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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Health and fitness tips for busy people


Most people want to be healthier, but they do not know how to do this or think that they do not have the time. The truth is that it does not have to take that long or need huge life changes to be healthy. .Finding time to work out when you’re really super busy can sometimes feel impossible. If you spend half your day at work, eight hours (ideally) sleeping, and a couple hours commuting, you'll probably end up using any remaining free time you might have to actually, you know, unwind. Because as much as you'd like to be hitting the gym after you leave the office, it can be hard to convince yourself that it's worth it when you're totally exhausted. These workouts are specifically designed to fit into your busy schedule, without getting in the way of your free time. They blend seamlessly into all the brief moments of downtime during your day—you can do them from bed as you wake up in the morning, at your desk while skimming your Twitter feed, and even during your nightly Netflix-binge. And at the end of the day, you'll still have time to do everything else you love, too. Here are some science-backed tips health and fitness for busy people 

1. Make your Health and fitness a prioritySo the first step is to prioritize. Make a list of everything you want to change. Then take time to really look at your list. Think about how each item on the list affects the other, and which makes the most sense to start with. Arrange them in order of importance. Now look at the first thing on your list and set a tangible and achievable goal you know you can attain. There are ways to eat healthily and exercise, no matter how busy you are. All you need is will. If you improve your diet and exercise, you’ll enjoy several benefits, like:
>improved energy,
>work productivity,
and happy relationships.

2. Eat a lot of Protein-  There are many people who lead busy lives with their demanding jobs leaving them less time to give a priority to healthy eating. Most of the people tend to keep constantly working to meet endless deadlines and completely forget their body. This can increase the risk of several diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes etc. Protein serves a few important functions. First, your body uses it to synthesize muscle tissues- without it, you’ll lose muscle and gain fat. Second, it’s needed to keep your metabolism running at a high rate. And third, it provides satiety, making your meals more filling. Aim for 30 grams a meal, at minimum. No liquid calories. Cut out all liquid calories, including soda, alcohol, juice, and added sugar/cream in your coffee. Also be wary of foods slathered in high-calorie sauces and condiments, such as sweet and sour sauce or mayonnaise.

3.Find Small ways to ExcerciseIt might seem impossible to find the time to make regular gym visits you can still find small ways to exercise throughout the day.  Some simple ways to incorporate quick full-body exercises into your routine are installing a pull-up bar in your home, buying a jump rope, and doing burpees. Exercising on the road is also feasible, even when you’re miles away from the nearest gym. Research suggests that exercise routines such as circuits or HIIT (high intensity interval training) are highly effective for burning fat and building muscle. 

4.Stay Hydrated
Have sufficient liquids through the day to avoid dehydration. 
Drinking water throughout the day can help you stay energized throughout the day and also help suppress feelings of hunger. If you find it difficult to drink the recommended amount of water—about 8 glasses a day—try adding fruit to your water or drinking seltzer or green tea. 

You will save a lot of calories and feel better physically by switching to water for most of your liquid intake. Too much caffeine and sugar in your drinks can increase your exhaustion and decrease your energy levels. 

5. Have a Morning Routine and Don’t Rush it- Sleep is the most important function when it comes to cell health.  The minimum amount of sleep needed to achieve optimal cell health for adults is six hours. If your morning starts off well, chances are that you will remain calm, collected and responsive throughout the day. The problem is that most of us scramble through our house after we get up in a rush to get ready and get to work on time.This is a bad practice, seeing that it doesn’t give us enough time to wake up entirely and begin our day with ease and respect for our time we so desperately need. Having a morning routine is an excellent way to channel your energy into something productive, like going for a run, walking your dog, or just drinking a cup of coffee in peace.

Finally, be honest with yourself. If doing great work is important to you, research shows that your well being should be on top of your list of priorities. Neglecting your health is expensive and bad for productivity. Sleep deprivation impairs cognitive function, making it harder for you to concentrate. In other words, sacrificing your health so you can get more done makes no sense. Instead of telling yourself that you don’t have time for healthy habits, examine your daily routine.

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